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PROJECT 03: Sustainable Agriculture & Urban Home Gardening

Our vision is to use the land and create a garden full of edible and flowering plants for pollinators and as a way to engage young people.  By empowering youth through the process of planting, and harvesting food, and caring for the land, we teach them valuable lessons about life. Youth are involved in all aspects of food production and garden care: seeding, transplanting, watering, weeding, harvesting, and ultimately preparing, eating and serving. The youth will learn alongside peers and mentors, how to turn the vegetables they grow into healthy meals, sustainable snacks, and how to use herbs and plants.  We are committed to radical thinking, economic justice and creating a diverse community connected by one food system.

We create the foundation for others to launch their urban-educational garden.  This is in preparation for us to build and maintain our own at 46 Grand Street, Kingston!  We use organic and sustainable growing methods to grow food and care for our environment and immediate community. We use the produce grown in our programming to reduce the cost of feeding our youth.  Any left over produce gets donated to the youth or frozen!  


We work with  high-school aged youth and recent graduates, bringing them to The COOP Concept to learn, work, explore, grow, and play as they earn a meaningful wage.  This will allow them to cultivate the skills needed to succeed and explore a variety of new career paths.

In addition to our garden and green space, we take pride in saving the bees!  We envision an apiary, which will greatly impact our urban gardens, the flowers and our community.

Here are our other projects:

Building a community
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