The Coop Concept has a wealth of ideas that they will be focusing on in March!
Environmental Consciousness
Environmental awareness is the concept of how humanity impacts the world we live in. It is being conscientious of how we use the planet's resources. The planet is being weathered by climate change, as well as depleting natural resources. The planet's resources should be conserved, and everyone should play a part.

Youth, Community, and Social Health
The importance of youth engagement is critical to a successful community. Just like how humanity must band together to make sure we all are conscious of the environment, we have to make sure that the children in our lives are an integral part of the local community. We have to make the youth interested, not only in what we do, but our values and beliefs. Through the hands-on projects that The Coop Concept does, we hopefully can make children be interested in learning how to make the world a better place to live.
How People Can Help Themselves And Others
Community is very important, it is an indicator of social health. Not only that, but it makes one feel good to help others. One's community is an invaluable asset in living through adversity.

Connection And The Power Of Sharing
Connection is also quite valuable, as how would one create a sense of community without sharing their story? Vulnerability is crucial to understanding others. One must be vulnerable, and in turn, let others be vulnerable as well.
Helping Others Is Key
Collaboration may seem similar to community, and in some respects it is. However, collaboration is actually where the magic happens. In helping others, one builds a sense of community.